I’m a Natural Parent BUT –

Welcome to the “I’m a Natural Parent – BUT…” Carnival

This post was written for inclusion in the carnival hosted by The Artful Mama and Natural Parents Network. During this carnival our participants have focused on the many different forms and shapes Natural Parenting can take in our community.


*Steps into parenting confessional*

I’m a natural parent BUT…. I have never had the urge, interest or inclination to cloth diaper.

It’s not that it grosses me out – after you’ve had poop explosions on your pillow, who cares about it being in a cloth diaper, right? It’s not the up-front cost, for as we all know, in the end, disposables cost more, especially those chlorine-free, fragrance-free Seventh Generation ones. It’s certainly not that I don’t care about the environment – I do, from recycling to Freecycling to Goodwill donations to composting and gardening and buying local and reducing waste….ETC!

Our decision to not cloth diaper really comes down to not being able to take on one more thing. One more thing to learn, to manage, to wash. One more thing to figure out and think about.

I found the learning curve for being a new parent to be high. I soon found my non-negoiables: Cosleeping, no CIO, baby wearing, making my own baby food, (extended) breastfeeding, eliminating diary, and eventually dealing with the ongoing, tumultuous vaccination ordeal. So I gave myself a break on this one.

I know moms who cloth diaper and swear by how easy, efficient, clean, and environmentally friendly it all is. I’m very grateful it works for them, and that they share their knowledge. I’m also very grateful for the convenience of disposables and that Seventh Generation makes diapers that make me (and my daughter’s bum) feel good about my choice.

My close friend is preparing to cloth diaper her first… I plan on seeing how it goes. And who knows…there’s always number two…


I'm a Natural Parent — But … Blog CarnivalThis carnival was created by The Artful Mama and Natural Parents Network. We recognize that “natural parenting” means different things to different families, and we are dedicated to providing a safe place for all families, regardless of where they are in their parenting journeys.

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:


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23 Responses to I’m a Natural Parent BUT –

  1. Pingback: I’m a natural parent but…I love bedtimes - Child of the Nature Isle

  2. Even though I’m a full-time cloth diapering parent, I totally get how overwhelming it can seem! My sister is due in April, and she had a hard time deciding what to do about diapers. She loved so much about the idea of using cloth, but had no interest in all the extra laundry. She and her husband ultimately decided to use a diaper service, so they get many of the benefits of cloth and someone else does the dirty work! Something to consider for number 2 if the whole idea still seems like too much! :)

  3. Sounds like you’re ver comfortable in your parenting skin, and that’s the main idea! I feel the same way about food choices. . . I’m a natural parent in diapering, loving care, non-punitive discipline, breastfeeding, BLW. . . but then when it comes to buying organic or cooking without additives, and eating raw foods, it’s just not worth the hassle for us! :)

  4. Pingback: Committed to Cloth, but…. « alivingfamily

  5. You’re so right – there comes a time when we all feel stretched too thin. We have to be able to make decisions that help us conserve energy and harmony!

  6. Thank you for “stepping into the parenting confessional” and sharing with us. I applaud you for knowing where your limits were as a parent and for the steps that you did take in your parenting choices. Like you said “there is always number two” and maybe you’ll be able to tackle cloth once you are not overwhelmed by all the things new parents are tasked with learning.

  7. Pingback: Confessions of a Low Supply Mom « living peacefully with children

  8. Pingback: I’m Only Half Planning a Natural Birth | The Artful Mama

  9. Jessica Pace says:

    Cloth Diapering is not easy. Ive taken baby steps with it and am now finally doing it full time. My hubby hates it though.

  10. Pingback: I’m a Natural Parent But… | the other baby blog

  11. Pingback: I’m a Natural Parent, But…. I Don’t Shop Local (Much) | Diary of a First Child

  12. Pingback: I’m a natural parent, but. . . « Mama Raw

  13. Pingback: Natural Parenting as a Doorway | Natural Parents Network

  14. Pingback: My Name Is Jennifer and I use Disposable Diapers. » Our Muddy Boots

  15. Tat says:

    I didn’t use cloth with my first child, for the same reasons. I wanted to try it and then it all got too much and I just didn’t get around to it. I used cloth with my second, though, from when she was about 5 months onward.

    What pushed me over to the cloth side was that I was having such a hard time toilet training my son. He wouldn’t go to the toilet, but he wouldn’t let me change his nappies either, and you know how absorbent disposables can be, he’d just happily walk around in the same nappy all day (not something I could possibly allow). So I though, if my daughter gets as addicted to her nappy and it’s cloth, it will leak, so she’ll have to let me change her. :)

    I was only going to use cloth at home, but it was a lot easier than I’d expected and it turned into full-time pretty quickly.

  16. Yes, it never occurred to me to seriously consider cloth-diapering until I had my second baby! By then I was ready for my next challenge!

  17. Pingback: Nice to meet you.

  18. I love your boldness! I just wrote a post about switching to disposables from cloth and now I feel silly for wrestling with stupid guilt and anxiety and not being more confident in my decision (we had our reasons, after all). You just totally rocked it and did what you knew you needed to do to make your home run smoothly. Seriously awesome.

    I like how you narrowed down the things that are not negotiable and you focus on those. Everything else is just… filler. Great post!


  19. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful and validating responses! You all reassured me in some way or another with your understanding! You guys rock!

  20. Exactly! You’re taking on enough challenges, and you have to find what works for you and your family. I cheat on cloth diapers, anyway, by using a diaper service. ;) For me, cloth diapers became more manageable once I was able to narrow down which of the bazillions of varieties and techniques I wanted to go with, but those first steps are daunting!

  21. Pingback: Fits and Starts | caspitsandspsghetti

  22. Pingback: Natural Parenting Does Not Equal Perfect Parenting Hybrid Rasta Mama

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